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Why Should I Worry About Web Colours

Psychology in Work Everywhere on the Web!”

Your colours of choice have a role in influencing how of your site is perceived. What sensation do you want you’re your brand? Whether you're completely redesigning or looking to make small changes on your website, choosing the right colour scheme can be very difficult - especially when you want different page to provoke different moods and perception.

You can apply a strategy to your colour scheming with your brand, for example, you can use more bright colours for your front page that sparks liveliness and activity, Your landing page, usually your homepage, should make you feel more lively and sociable; opposed to pages where you want your audience calm and focused with blue as it should make you feel calm, relaxed  and trustful. Here is our breakdown of how different interior colours affect our moods...You can read more by in depth analysis of colours by going to http://www.color-wheel-pro.com/color-meaning.html.

Colour Wheel Post

infographic made by GraphicSprings

As you can see your choice of colors have a good bearing on how you want your traffic to feel about your brand and feel. You can read more by in-depth analysis of colors by going to http://www.color-wheel-pro.com/color-meaning.html. #WebsiteDesignPeterborough can help you pick and touch upon the right colors that could benefit your brand during a consultation.

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