Google & Bing Services

Google Bing Promotions and Measuring Metrics

Website Design Peterborough also offers complete search engine management and webmaster services.  Google MyBusiness and Places, and also Bing's Business Places can help you get on the map and local search results. You can reach the top results in your areas of business if maximum optimization is achieved. We can also get your site verified, "which is actually a real thing;"

We just don't charge a vast amount of fees that some other service providers do to get you verified, pennies on the dollar. We utilize online tools and Webmaster tools also used by other industry professionals. We are very proficient at industry-standard tools and technics that should be done properly and professionally. We work with Google and Bing backend tools to monitor your web errors, mobility errors and broken links, etc; in order to get you well-listed and campaign(s) that work for you. You’re in great hands and will see the #benefits of working with Website Design Peterborough 


We offer complete Google and Bing Services. There is more than you think. If you're looking for Google ads or Mobile advertising, let us know and we will research and assist you in getting you the best campaigns at affordable PPC's.

 Google Bing Promotions